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Association between sleep duration and mental health among disabled population over the three-year follow-ups
연구과제 정보
  • 과제번호 HC21C0059
  • 연구과제명 노인 말기신부전환자대상 주 2회/3회 혈액투석 전향적 비교 연구
  • 연구책임자명(기관) 권순효(순천향대학교)
논문 정보
  • 발표연도 2022
  • 논문제목 Association between sleep duration and mental health among disabled population over the three-year follow-ups
  • 저자 Jin-Won Noh, Jae-Hyun Kim, Min-Hee Heo, So Hee Lee
  • 서지정보 Journal of Affective Disorders Reports. 2022;10:100422.
  • SCI 여부 -
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